
Abra Project and Jillawarra Project tenementsMagnetic and gravity anomaly map showing the Abra Project and Jillawarra Project tenements with drill hole results and targets.

Abra JV

As well as the current orebody being developed at the Abra mine including potential for copper/gold mineralisation at depth, the Abra JV tenements have several significant analogous targets surrounding the mine. Sultan, Bazaar, Lamplight, Genie, Jasmine, Rajah and Iago are all walk-up targets for ongoing exploration work programs. Currently the focus at Abra has been in the immediate vicinity of the mine and ongoing exploration will expand to the other targets under the direction of the Abra JV.

Click here to visit the Abra website for greater detail regarding the potential exploration upside at Abra

Jillawarra Project

Exploration and growth associated with the 100% Galena owned Jillawarra Project covers a highly prospective elongated tenement package covering approximately 76km continuous strike length and 508km2 directly to the west of Abra.

The Jillawarra Project hosts many base metals prospects which have had limited shallow exploration work completed since the 1970’s by various companies. The bulk of the exploration work was completed by Amoco, Geopeko, Apex Minerals and Abra Mining Limited. The work completed to date has identified several base metals, manganese and gold prospects, of which the Woodlands Complex, Quartzite Well, Manganese Range, Copper Chert, TP and 46-40 were subject to early-stage exploration. Most of the drilling completed within the Jillawarra Project investigated the first 100 to 200m depth, which based on the recent knowledge of Abra may not have reached the depths required.

Abra Project and Jillawarra Project tenementsRegional geology map showing the Abra Project and Jillawarra Project tenements.

The main prospective corridor within the Jillawarra Project lies within the margins of the Quartzite Well – Lyons River Fault zones which extends east-west along the entire tenement package. Also, the contact between the dolomitic sediments of Irregully Formation and the lower sedimentary unit, polymictic conglomerate, of the Kiangi Creek Formation represents an important marker for the occurrence of base metal mineralisation as seen at Abra.

The Woodlands Complex is an Australian scaled geophysical anomaly which represents a significant target area with the anomaly being 12 km long and 10km wide. Limited work and technical evaluation have occurred at Woodlands which presents a great opportunity for Galena in the years to come. Ongoing geophysical and exploration drilling will occur concurrently with the development of Abra. The knowledge and understanding of Abra due to its development will provide a significant exploration advantage at Jillawarra.

To date, the 46-40 Prospect, within the Woodlands Complex, is considered the most similar base metals occurrence to the Abra deposit, occurring within the same prospective horizon and by having the same base metal mineralisation zonation, with lead and silver at the top and copper and gold at depth.

A stratigraphic column showing the likelihood of metal concentration along the Jillawarra Project sedimentary units has been developed by Galena’s geology team, also assigning the respective prospect of which that type of mineralisation may occur.

Edmund Sedimentary BasinMap showing the regional stratigraphy and mineralisation in the Edmund Sedimentary Basin.